Touch Theatre presents ‘Splendour’ by Abi Morgan

Touch Theatre - Splendour

How do you try to shape history when you are in the midst of social unrest?
Do you participate, observe, record events for posterity, or collaborate with those in power?
These are the fundamental questions for the characters in Abi Morgan’s ‘Splendour’, Touch Theatre’s latest production.
In the opulent drawing room of a Presidential Palace, a western photojournalist awaits the return of the dictator to take his portrait.  He is late, very late.
The dictator’s wife, her best friend, and an interpreter wait with her.  In a vodka haze, Prada shoes and light fingers tap out the time.
All 4 women harbour secrets and suspicions.
All 4 are in danger.
This is the day that revolution comes to the palace.

Abi Morgan’s devastating play allows us to glimpse into the minds of 4 women as they grapple with life, truth and honour. 

About Touch Theatre
Touch was formed in 2015. We have an unashamed preference for female playwrights, powerful roles for female actors and the intimacy of small ensemble pieces.
Our award-winning 2017 piece, Madeleine George’s ‘Precious Little’, was very well-received by audiences and reviewers:
Hauntingly beautiful, and wonderfully paced and delivered
This director had the strength and skill to develop the story and characters in our opinion just as the writer would have wished
Our 2018 production of Caryl Churchill’s ‘Escaped Alone’ was described as:
‘A gripping piece of theatre’ with ‘some lovely comic moments’ from a ‘cast who were uniformly terrific

Click Here to Book Your Tickets in advance : £10.00
Or Phone 01726 879500

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