Dominion A love story – presented by Theatre Hub


A Love Story – Presented by Theatre Hub

Date: Saturday 16th April 2016
Time: 19:30

Dominion - A Love Story - Theatre Hub PresentationTheatre Hub

Dominion  – A Love Story

 A powerful new play touring the South West and part of the Swindon Fringe Festival.

Siobhan Locke has a problem…apart from having cancer, that is.

She doesn’t want her husband, Eddie, to be alone when her time finally comes. So she goes looking for a new partner for him in the Lonely Hearts adverts in the local paper.

Eddie, too, has a problem. As much as he adores his wife, since the diagnosis, he cannot find it in himself to get close to her. He would do anything for her, but there seems to be no way to resolve it.

Then, after an embarrassing argument with Kelly, Siobhan’s old nurse, Holly Fenton arrives on the scene. A new nurse, a new start; unfortunately, in the dim and distant past, Eddie had been at school with Holly, which begins to put a brake on Siobhan’s plans and sparks something she had never thought feel again: jealousy.

Then, of course, there’s The Man. Siobhan’s constant companion. Is he just in her imagination, a drug-induced fantasy…or something more sinister? After all, only Siobhan can see him and he seems to have only her best interests at heart.

‘Dominion’ traces the delicate and ultimately, tender journey made by two people who thought that their love was all they would ever need…and, in the end, discover that possibly, just possibly, they were right all along.

Supporting Breast Cancer Care

Click here to Book your Tickets in advance :
Standard : £12.00
Concessions £10.00

(Over 65s, Unwaged and Full Time Students)