Event Information:
Fri22Apr2022Sun24Apr2022St Austell Arts Centre, Truro Road, St Austell, PL25 5DR
Pennseythen Gernewek - Cornish language weekend
Annual Cornish Language Weekend hosted by Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek / Pennseythen Gernewek Bledhynnyek ostyes gans Kowethas an Yeth KernewekAbout this event
The 3-day-long weekend is for speakers of all levels learning Cornish, offering language lessons, workshops, talks, social events and entertainment for all to enjoy. Whether you are just starting to learn Cornish or are a fluent speaker, there is something for everyone. You can find out more about the weekend line up here: Cornish Language Weekend
Whether you’d like to come for one day, or for the whole weekend, we have options available to suit you. On the Saturday and Sunday we offer family language sessions suitable for children up to 12 years. Families can pay for 1 ticket . We are also offering tickets for attendees with low income. We hope this offers support and accessibility to join us over the weekend.
If you have any queries about the event, please email kowethasanyeth@gmail.com.
An bennseythen dres 3 dydh yw rag kowsoryon a dhysk Kernewek orth pub nivel, ow profya dyskansow yeth, hweljiow, arethow, hwarvosow socyal ha didhan rag pubonan dh'y enjoya. Mars esowgh ow talleth dyski Kernewek po mars owgh kowser freth, yma neppyth rag pubonan. Hwi a yll kavos derivadow pella a-dro dhe hwarvosow an bennseythun omma: Cornish Language Weekend
Mar mynnowgh dos dres unn jydh, po dres an bennseythen oll, ni a'gan beus dewisyow kavadow a vydh gwiw ragowgh. Dy'Sadorn ha Dy'Sul ni a brof esedhogow yeth teyluyow rag fleghes bys dhe 12 bloodh. Teyluyow a yll prena 1 tokyn. Ni a brof ynwedh toknys rag kevrenogyon ha dhedha gober isel. Hemma a brof skoodhyans ha hedhadewder dhe omjunya genen dres an bennseythen, dell waytyn.
Mars eus govynnow a-dro dhe'n hwarvos genowgh, danvon ebost, mar pleg, dhe kowethasanyeth@gmail.com